Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Di Pagi haRi PapeR TEc. COm...

Salam sejahtera...kali ak nak cerite tentang housemate ak yg lawak....haaaa3...cam bese r ak ngan bdk2 umah lepak2 cerite tentang peperiksaan sambil paku memaku tp yg bese jadi mangse peja la....sbb kalu xde keroni mesti kantoi kene paku cukup2 nagn ayie,ajib syaz6, syukor pun same paku peja cian peja...emmmm...tp nih bkan kes and cerite peja tetapi roomate peje heeee...pade ketike itu ak mask bilik ayie yg tengh melayari internet dengan disaksi oleh peja dan ajemi...mereke berbual tentang soalan2 yang keluar dalam tec kom nyer paper....

ajemi : wei ape maksud nih?

Ayie : ntah ak pun x tau....tgk r kamus.

Peja: aaah ajib ade kamus kecik.....tp bermakne.

ajemi : peja ko g r tgk...nk tau maksud ayat nih..

Peja: jap ak tnya syaz6.. nan ape maksud ayat nih? ( sambil menunjukan ayat 2 r )

syaz6 : perghhhhhhhh....ko engat ape ak dbkl ke nak bagi maksud ayat kat ko?

tetiba peja terpinga - pingan sbb ape kaitan dbkl dengan ayat...emmmm lalu peja berkate

Peja: wei nan ko Dbkl ke dbp?

syaz6:dbkl r...

Peja:Haaaaa...dbkl 2 org kutip sampah loooo....dbp r bru tol

syaz6 : 2 yg ak nak kate...

dengan tetiba2 mizie yg berade di ruang tamu rumah bangunn utk gelakan syaz6...wakakaka

tp pas2 tido balik....ak ngan ayie, ajemi...syukor...peja,ajib...serta jaspal gelak sepuas2 hati....

pas2 syaz6 wat muke xde ape berlaku....haa3 syaz6 mmg pandai wat lawak

time2 org tgh tenson *d...moral of story cari syaz6 bile rase tenson.....wakakak :)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hari Ini DaLaM SeJaRaH....PeNgaLaMaN

Assalamualikum ini adelah satu- satunya pengalaman yang mungkin dan pasti x dapt dilupekan...ia bermula semase ak tgh *d subjek BenT...heee *d bak kate kwan2 ak 8 keajiban dunia berlaku apabila ak *d....emmmm dalm mase ak keseronokan mentelaah Buku Tesk Bent 2, walaupun dalm keadaan yg tenson ka *d gak...heee3 tetibe dengan x di sangke 1 msg masuk....tetapi yg peleknye no 2 ak x kenal...emmm mule2 mals nak layan tetapi tanpe diduge ak lyen gak msg 2 haaa...dlam layn msg 2 timbul tande ? bermacam2 persoalan yg muncul di pust pemikiran aku...ye la dah x tau sape..tp die lak tau name kite...payoh start dari 2 la ak berbalas2 msg ngan seseorang yg menamekan dirinya ana and berasal dari ipoh...so ak pun meletakan name die dalm phone book yg bername ana ipoh....haaa( dah mask perangp ). Ini lah kali pertama ak dapt msg budk popuan yg tetiba nk berkenalan.... yela nak kawn la katekan bak kate ayah ak berkawan biar beribu berkasih biar satu.Makan lame keadaan ini semakim panas dimane si gadis ini ingin berjumper dengan ak...emm oooouuuhi ak dah mule gelabah

yela ape cer nak jumpe2 dah r x kenal lg dah nk jumpe....ak pun mntk la pendapt menbr yg dah usler...haa dieorng bg idea jumpe je la bkn wat ape2 pun....tp sebelum 2 ak dah selidik cam ne die dapt no phon ak....tp silapnya ak bg tau la cam ne ak nk treace die kat roomate ak so diorg kate ok gak so ak pun mulakan operasi dan hasilnya agak memuaskan dimane die di yakini pompuan haaa...new life begin.... tp yg muskil nye bile call x angkt dan kate ade papa kat sebelah...n bile ak x de kat bilik die call dan kate ak x agkat...emmm pelik2 cam ne 2?..dan ia berlalu sehinga ari nih bersamaan ahad 16/11/08.....die nak jumpe tgh ari kat murni ( appartment ak la) die jemput nagn kete papa die ( dtg alone la katenye) emmm...ak pun bersiap2 la...ye la nak jumpe org ,tp bersiap sempoi je la heee :)...ak g la bilik classmate ak saje nak cibuk2 die org bersiap2 gak... suspen gak oiiiih dieorg tau ke?....x ak tnya dieorng nak *d ngan bdk klas kat cubic ade gak dieorg ajak ak tp selepas ak tnya la...ade gak rase cam x d undang tp maybe rase je kut...heee ye ati kuman la katekan...jap dah terbabas lak....so ak balik bilik bdh umah dah kecoh2 ade msg mask n misscall...nak jadi kan cete ade lah kete kuning dekat kete 2 ade macm baba n nyonya nye family la n ade dak pompuan pakai skart...( sbb die kate die mix, ayh die cina mak melayu)..ak tekat x nak g la ble tgk bdak 2...emmm tetiba enset ak berbunyi lgu iris (ringtone la katekkan ) ak mls jerk nk agkt tp agkat gak haaa2...no yg naek 2 lak no ana ipoh adoi dah smpi ke? emm ak dah gelabah nk g ke xnk.( die ade kate nk belanja )..tiba2 ak dengar suare lelaki yg cam kenal je..adoi ak dah terkene rupe2 nye roomate ak jaspal kene kan ak.... ARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGgggggggggghhhhh......bukan marh tp malu...gmbira gak sbb die mmg pandi kene kan org dah la mase 2 die ciap wat video lg2 emmm...malu+ rugi ( kreadit la abih) tapi xpe die kate die belanje makan (jaspal) die kate mkn je ape2 die belanje so ak mule2 nak gready tp itu bkan sifat ak so makn ape yg perut ak mampu je tp berpuluh gak la die kene byar hee2 md la katekan mn ade murah..haaa...2 la kish dan pengalam ak...so moral of the story jgan prcya kat msg pompuan yg kate suke kat kite....haaaa2 n tetapkan iman bile ade dugaan...nasib ak ingat ayh aku kate bsbar ade kebaikannya n kebaikan yg ak dapt adalah pengalam dan dapt makn md secare percuma...HEEE2 lupe lak teme kasih kat jaspal atas pengalam ini n kenyang mkan md td best2.....

Friday, November 14, 2008

IkuTaN aTAu PEdoMAn

Aku datang dari keluarga yg besar...16 adik beradik, bila sesekali berkumpul, dah tentu mak aku akan buat majlis makan besar-besar dan best-best!!! Dalam ramai2 adik beradik, bukan semua yg suka stail aku, apabila aku bawa gaya hidup "gaya pulang ke pangkal jalan'"...maka adalah yg tak kena sana sini...oh..
Masa makan, aku pun duduk lah cara Nabi..(rujuk ustaz) lalu ada yg sound: "apahal duduk macam nak berlari ajer...." "tak baik lutut tinggi pada makanan.." " ni duduk ke nak berak nie..?" Oleh sebab aku lelaki beriman, maka aku buat muka seposen...aku pun basuh tangan,
Nota untuk mua'alaf: sebelum makan sunnah Nabi adalah basuh kedua2 tangan dan berkumur, insyaAllah jika korang amal nie sebelum korang mati Allah akan mempermudahkan segala urusan hutang piutang korang. 朒utang kereta/ rumah/ kahwin/ study/along bla bla bla!!! Sambung balik, aku pun berpikir...ada baiknya juga Nabi tak makan pakai sudu @ garfu, kalau Nabi makan pakai sudu, susah pulak org miskin macam aku nak ikut sunnah Nabi, nak pakai sudu material apa? stainless steel ke inconnel 601? Nak pakai colour camne? matelic ke cooper?kan susah tu!!! Tu belum lagi jika Nabi makan pakai kerusi dan meja...bentuk bulat ke bentuk heksagon?, oktagon?, nanagon? nak kena pergi Kedai perabot buat ansuran mudah! jimat ! hanya RM 1 dan tunggu 30 hari, kunjungilah kedai perabot terbesar di Malaysia, bla bla bla!!! Oh..
Biasa korang belajar doa makan macam nie: "Allahummabariklana (hingga akhir) Tapi tu sebenarnya doa tengok makanan, doa makan mudah sajer:
"Bismillah, barkatillah" Lepas tu makan lah, dengan tiga jari (sunnah Nabi) kemudian, ada pulak suara2 yg sound: "Eh, kenyang ke makan dengan tiga jari? " Aku kata: "huh, anak cina makan dengan dua kayu elok2 habis nasi satu pinggang!!! " Tapi oleh kerana aku sorang jer yg makan dengan tiga jari, org lain makan dengan lima jari, maka aku lihat kadar flow of suapan dan kadar quantity of lauk-pauk diorang lebih laju dan maju, maka aku menukar jariku dari 3 kepada 5...oh..tepuk dada tanya iman.. Kemudian aku minum dari tangan kanan yg tidak berbasuh... Diorang tegur: "essh..pengotor betullah" Aku kata: "Apa pulak kotor, aku makan nasi, bukan tahik!!!"(tapi aku kata dalam hati sebab aku lelaki beriman) "Nie, apahal jilat2 jari nie? lucah betul!!"-tanya diorang pada aku... "Makan ayam sedap sampai ke kaki....makan sate sedap sampai ke lidi he he heh"-kataku. Banyak pulak diorang komplen cara aku makan..err maksud aku cara Nabi makan... aku tahu tak berguna berdebat ngan mereka kalau aku ubah topik dengan bertanya : Tahukkah korang kenapa lembu makan rumput dan kambing makan daun? Abang aku kata: sebab tengkuk lembu berat...bla bla bla.. Aku kata: "salah!!! lembu makan rumput dan kambing makan daun sebab mereka lapar!!!(tak lawak) ha ha ha!!!" Aku menyambung: "Penting makan cara Nabi sebab kita hari2 makan, tapi bila tak ikut sunnah, maka jadi macam lembu dan kambing makan sajer, namun bila korang makan macam Nabi saw makan, maka di kira ibadat... Masa nak makan, niatlah makan kerana perintah Allah, namun kena nafikan makanan yg bagi kenyang..hakikatnya kenyang datang dari kudrat Allah. " Tiba2 mak aku tercekik tulang ikan.. (bayangkan seorang mak cik sedang tercekik tulang) Kemudian, Mak aku mendapat nasihat secara berperingkat, ada yg sarankan agar makan pisang, minum air dengan capat, makan nasi kepal dan lain2, tapi masih tak berjaya.. kesian mak aku... "Huh! Hamka, Takkan kau tak tahu cara sunnah Nabi nak buang tulang tercekik camne?..cakap terer.."(kata abang aku) Aku kata: "senang sajer...Mak angkat kedua-dua tangan ke atas.. " Mak akupun buat..tapi masih tak jadi.. Aku kata: "lurus Mak, tangan mak dua-dua kena lurus... !!!" (bayangkan seorang makcik yg sedang duduk bersila sambil kedua-dua tangan diluruskan ke atas, tangan kanan masih terdapat sisa2 nasi, manakala di lengan dan tengkuk di penuhi dengan rantai emas..) Aku kata: "Sekarang sebut: SUPERMAN RETURN!!!!!! " HA HA HA.. (semua org ketawa)-nasi berhembur-hembur di sana sini. Mak aku juga ketawa..sehingga tulang yg tercekik itu terkeluar.. Semuanya dari Allah!!! He he he...selamat mencuba, ni bukan hadith,,just pengalaman..
PS: sekiranya rakan korang menjadi mayat (over ketawa sehingga tulang mencucuk tengkuk) sesungguhnya penulis tidak bertanggung jawab!!! (supermanpun akan jadi mayat)

Monday, November 10, 2008

If You Want Gv Some BOdy ROse???

1 Rose- Love at the first sight. The single rose, whatever its color, depicts utmost devotion to a single person. "All my deepest affections are concentrated in you".
2 Roses- Mutual feelings, especially if they are red in color speak of two people who are deeply in love and together form their own happy little world.
3 Roses- Stand for the three words in "I Love You", and seek to convey this very simple yet powerful message
5 Roses- I love you very much
6 Roses- I love you, I miss you. Speak of tthe need to be loved and cherished.
7 Roses- I'm infatuated with you
9 Roses -Together as long as we live
10 Roses -You are pretty
11 Roses -You're my treasured one. To assure someone that he or she is truly and deeply loved.
12 Roses - Be my steady
13 Roses -Forever friends. Also indicate that there is a secret admirer waiting to be discovered. 15 Roses -I'm really sorry
20 Roses -I'm sincere towards you
21 Roses -I'm committed to you
24 Roses -You're always on my mind. Stand for the twenty-four hours of the day, and say that the loved one is thought of during every hour of the day.
36 Roses -I'll remember our romantic moments. Speak of a romantic attachment
40 Roses -My love is genuine
44 Roses- Pledge a constant and an unchanging love.
50 Roses -Signify a love that has ripened well, and has never been regretted.
99 Roses -I'll love you till the day I die
100 Roses -I'm totally devoted to you. Signify a happy union of two loving souls till death or till a hundred years.
101 Roses -You're my one and only
108 Roses- Will you marry me?
365 Roses- I love you every single day. Speak of a love that has remained constant and true throughout the year
999 Roses -My love will last till the end of time
1001 Roses -Speak of a faithful love that will live on forever.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

If YoU GeT The ROsE....means???

Lets look at the meaning of color first.
  1. Red: Red is the symbol of love. To give red roses says "I love you still"
    White: Shows purity and innocence. They also represent humility, youthfulness and charm.
  2. Pink: To give pink roses shows grace, joy, and gratitude.
  3. Pale pink also has the meaning of fun attached to it.
  4. Orange: Desire and enthusiam. These would be a great choice to give to someone if you want the relationship to develop further.Lilac and Lavender roses also show these feelings.
  5. Yellow:Joy and friendship - yellow roses don't specifically show love. They can also represent starting over,or a new beginning.
  6. Yellow tipped with red shows friendship falling in l
How Many To Give?
The number of roses that you give is important. Convey the right message by giving the correct number of roses!

1:Love at first sight - you are "the one"
2:Mutual love and feelings
3: Also says "I Love You".
7: Together for ever
10:Represents perfection. To give someone 10 roses shows you feel that way about them.
12:The standard for "be mine". Often given on Valentines day, when for a married couple,actually 7 or 10 might be a better choice. (slightly cheaper as well! ;-)
13:A sign of enduring friendship
15: Im sorry
So now you know how many you need and the colour combination of roses.From this also you will know what be a symbol of rose.....

Do you LOVe SomE Body...????

{ ETFEORHUNEOR } No love without this words.If u really love someone ,u can find this answer.Make sure the word is three word.Find this words.If you just fall in love you will find it...
please leave a comment to answer this trip...This will show, your are have true love or not..
try and we will see....

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Try to SolVe It IF you CaN.....

Solve d case :- A man was found murdred on 7th jan 2007 afternoon, At his house and it mostly take an hour to town.The case happen at 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm
His wife called Police...police arrive at 12.30 pm
Police questioned everyone at 12.45pm
  1. Wife:Sir,i was sleeping when the murder took place.
  2. Cooker:i was cooking.
  3. Gardener:i was picking vegetables.
  4. House maid:i went 2 the postoffice around 11.30 am
  5. Children: v wen2 play.
  6. Neighbur:v went 2 the mariage.

POLICE ARRESTED MURDERER IMMEDIATELY..whos it.?Reply if you are briliant With reason... What is the answer ? Click comment to read or write answer...

WhaT HaPPeN wHen "EXAM COME" ????

Hello….to people that just read my blog. Today I want to say thank you to people that always give me support in term to answer the math (statistic) also to those people that help me in the beginning of developing my blog. Emmm this post not for acknowledgment but I want to story what happen when the examination comes. See the picture this people want to be success in examination so they need to study the subject before the exam begin. But some of them get pressure when exam come so the play the computer game for a while to reduce the tension (distress). How to distress? Emmm…Heee see that man with hp and pillow at his ear…haaa he was talking to ehemm2…you know la who…This people was taking a math paper at 5/11/2008 at 9.00am to 11.00am. After the exam all of them say yes!!. but I don’t really understand, say yes for what?. Better I check with them. I pray for our success in exam not for today only but for lifetime. We can do anything impossible with curious effort .Let everybody let you down but don’t make it let you down. The strong people not at his or her muscle but the strong people came from their spirit (never give-up).Batter asking if you don’t know or you should be wrong. If you wrong please accept you bad but if you right please don’t be conceited. In this world like older man say it like a wheel, sometime we at the top but another time maybe we at the bottom because we will never always at top. If we compare out life to sinusoidal graph we can see the graph have their time that falling down and rising up, so it just our life… “Lu pikir la sendirisay nabil..:)

Monday, November 3, 2008

PreDicT PeOple FrOm TeeTh

Medium size and level
Waww!! So beautiful her teeth, see so prearranged it look like fake teeth. But this real teeth @ original. So try to guess what criteria does this kind teeth have? Person that who have teeth kind this shape is person who is good heart, helpful and like people say “ringan tulang” .If there someone need help they sure don’t be disappointed. Actually those people always want to make people happy. They also can share the happiness. Lucky to have friend or sweetheart like them right?
Is like Toward Behind.
This shown this people who have this kind of teeth, they have shy personality and like to hide their true identity but they big like passive. They always be in quiet and not really good in relationship with other people, beside that they really good in keeping secret except to those people who they trust.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The UTeM PanCaK SiLaT " OlahRAGa"

This is our silat team " UTeM" Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka. This utem silat team was attend the silat olahrage even at UPSI Tanjung malim Perak. This is our 2nd event after MASUM event at UM ( Universiti Melaya ). Our team had sent a experience pesilat but some of them was newbie so this can say as a training for next MASUM event. All our team is 8 people only 2 female and 6 male, most all our team lost of defeated at round 2. Not bad but it can be improve in future tournament. As we know silat as traditional Malay culture that have their own art of body language. Some people say every one can learn silat , but for me not everyone can learn silat because from my experience I see that people really love silat can learn it. This because to learn it will take time to master it and it need a lot of patient so the people who just want to learn but not to love that kind of art they can’t stand for long. The people who really love this kind of art can stand until they finish learn it, but for your information art of silat no have a end who like to find new thing they can have new knowledge about this silat art.
If u don’t believe me try learn silat and see how long can you hold.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

OpeN HouSe PN NoORasyiKiN

Open House???…. This picture was taken by urrr..Forgotten who, at puan asyikin’s House. This open house was provided by puan asyikin as BenT lecturer .We go to open house at 9 pm o’clock. This open house was a limited edition…hee3 so the person was chosen by god and who not willing to go was not there. Actually this was limited invitation of open house. Some of they have class at night so they do not know about this open house and that why they not there. This is the first open house that we attend for this “Hari Raya”. After this open house, I heard that azilah as we call kak azi organize her open house. But I don’t go to Kak azi open House because I had to attend a pancak silat event at UpsI...May be next no more problem hopefully… Do you Believe have a next? … Batter thinks carefully…The right picture the student from 1 sem of BEnC until now…The left one is all of student that came to puan asyikin house.

ForMaT Pc/LatOp 10 min done (without CD rOm )

Dear Friend,
Today we just one step forward when we found the other way to format the pc or laptop without the cd / dvd rom. The first advantage is this method so fast because the transfer data for formatting is use the pendrive (removal storage) transfer rate, mean 3mb per sec, but now day a lot of pendrive have a high speed data transfer .This method also help the person want to format their computer but don’t have or broken cd/dvd rom but they need to make sure two condition before do this formatting, 1st they need to allocate the installer and write it in pendrive. The way to write the installer to pendrive they need to follow the rule to make sure the bootable of installer can be fine when the booting proses. 2nd condition is the pc or laptop must be integrated with booting from other device, mean the mother board to provide the bios system to boot from the pendrive ( usb port ). If 2 of this condition was fulfill the formatting can be proceed. This method has a disadvantages, because this method only can be use for window vista. This because the NTFS format doesn’t allow the Xp disk format interrupts the booting system. [This was a warning that Josh added to his post along with the following commands that I copied from him, so kudos to Josh].
For more information please visit:

Friday, October 31, 2008

To fresh yours body

Sea.....want get fresh go to "Tanjung Bidara " see this people so happy enjoying "sea bath" but carefull something watching u!! they are can't be see with naked eye...hoooo but they (this picture ) still want to swim... See their face we can see they are really enjoying sea bath.. This people never thing about small creature "mahluk halus" after they release that thing, they believe there was something that can't be describe with naked eye....as we know the beach have thier own "Guard" so if u want to sea bath please bring your older people 2....Happy sea bath, this picture was taken at Tanjung Bidara Beach

Monday, August 25, 2008

Are you frustrated with your job? Whether you dislike your boss, your coworkers, your work hours, or the pay, you may be interested in quitting your job. Of course, the decision to quit your job is your decision to make, but there are some instances in which you may want to give your decision a second thought. A few of those instances are outlined below for your convenience.One of the many situations where you may want to hold off on quitting your job right away is if you recently got a new boss. If you have a new supervisor, you are encouraged to give it time. Most new supervisors are difficult at first, as they feel that they need to be. But, overtime, you will find that most of those in management will let a new side of themselves show, possibly a more pleasant and friendlier side.Another one of the many situations in which you may want to reconsider quitting your job is if you are annoyed by one of your coworkers, namely the one who may have a desk or an office next to or near you. You should never let someone else make you quit or lose your job, especially if it is just because you do not like them. Of course, you are advised to take your safety into consideration. If one of your coworkers is displaying actions that may cause you harm, you may need to take action right away. This action may involve resigning from your job, but it should also involve contacting a supervisor first. You should never have a quit your job because someone else is in the wrong.A poor review is another situation in which you may not want to quit your job. Although it may seem embarrassing and frustrating if you ever receive a bad review, it is important to remember that it can happen to the best of people and the hardest of workers. No one is perfect all of the time and this is something that you need to remember. Instead of quitting your job because of a poor review, you will want to use your review as an opportunity to better yourself. You can set the goal of improving your workplace actions, which should result in a better review the next time around.Being passed up for a promotion is another reason why you may not want to quit your job. There are a number of different factors to take into consideration, when it comes to promotions, namely being passed up for one. Why were you passed up for the promotion that you wanted, do you know? Was there another employee who was more qualified or who had more seniority than you? You can also use being passed up for a promotion as a way to improve your work skills by setting goals for yourself. With that in mind, if you regularly find yourself being passed up for promotions that you are more than qualified for, you may want to consider seeking employment elsewhere.The above mentioned situations are all situations in which you may want to refrain from quitting your job, especially without consideration. Of course, there are extenuating circumstances to the situations mentioned above, such ones that may involve sexual harassment or other dangerous situations in your workplace.